D2.1 NOMAD Specification – Intermediate Progress Report

This deliverable provides an intermediate draft of the NOMAD Architecture specification under WP2.


This deliverable provides a first draft of the NOMAD Architecture specification under WP2. A more detailed version will be included in the second revision of the specification due at the end of WP2. This draft provides the specifications identified so far in the area of the integrated network platform, service discovery platform and client requirements. It further considers the specifications for the software development, testing and integration of various software components of NOMAD.

D2.2 Specification of NOMAD Integrated Network Platform

This deliverable provides specifications for the integrated network platform under WP2.


The goal of this deliverable is to obtain the system requirement handbooks for the integrated network platform. This platform considers incorporating every available wireless (e.g. GPRS, UMTS, WLAN, etc) and wirelined access technology that is able to support internet services. This deliverable comes under WP2 and provides the needed functionality, the possible protocol extensions and test-bed implementations, which are used to achieve the integrated network platform as described in the NOMAD objectives. The functionalities described here are based on Mobile IP and Ad-hoc Networking.

D2.3 Specification of NOMAD Service Discovery Platform

This deliverable provides the final version of the NOMAD Service Discovery Architecture specification under WP2.


This deliverable provides the final version of the NOMAD Service Discovery Architecture specification under WP2. It further considers the specifications for the software development, testing and integration of the Service Discovery software components of NOMAD.

D2.4 Specification of NOMAD Positioning System Integration and Client Module

This deliverable provides the final version of the NOMAD Positioning System Integration and Client Module specification under WP2.


This deliverable provides the NOMAD Positioning System Integration and Client Module specification under WP2. It further considers the specifications of the hardware and software of three NOMAD Client Module implementations based on a Laptop, a PDA and a Java enabled mobile phone.

D2.5 NOMAD System Integration Concept

This deliverable details the entities, processes and documentation involved in the development of different software components related to NOMAD.


This deliverable describes the entities, processes and documentation involved in the development and integration of different software components related to NOMAD. It explains these in terms of Version Control, Change Control, Software Quality Assurance Plan, Software Requirements Specification, Software Design Document and Test Plan.